Wednesday, January 29, 2014

We Love National Lutheran Schools Week

To celebrate this week we have a dress up day ech day! It is so fun to see everyone's creativity and school spirit!

One of the highlights so far has been the NED Show! The class loved to see the awesome yo yo tricks! The best part was the message to never give up, encourage others, and do your best!

Friday, January 17, 2014

Penguin Unit Festivities

We have been very busy after Christmas vacation learning all about penguins!

We created a non-fiction penguin book with many vocabulary words.
We have been learning how to recognize and count coins.
Our Bible story has been about when Jesus was baptized.

We ended this two week unit with a fun day today of creating and experimenting.

We were trying to answer the question, "What keep penguins warm?"

We discovered the answer is their blubber and the fact that their feathers have a special oil that keep them dry when the get get out of the water. What amazing creatures God made!

We are very excited about the 100th day of school coming up next Wednesday! Don't forget to send in your bag of 100 items by then to help us celebrate!

Have a great weekend!
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