Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a super packed day today!

We celebrated Thanksgiving with some delicious pumpkin pie pudding, we heard the first graders read to us their own stories about the first Thanksgiving, we celebrated Sahara's birthday, and said "see you soon" to our friend Hunter who moved.

It was an emotion filled day, but we have plenty to be thankful for!

I hope you and your family have a very blessed thanksgiving! I am thankful for such an amazing group of Kindergarteners :)

Friday, November 15, 2013

WHOOO loves Owls? We do! We do!

We have learned so much about owls during this unit. We also had a lot of fun along the way!!!

We took home our owl portfolio full of activities and projects we have been working on.

Today we ended owl week with a delicious owl snack :)

Next week on to turkeys :)

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Owls Owls Everywhere!

We have been having so much fun during our owl theme. We had so many activities to accomplish we extended owl week to include this week too :)
Friday we will be making a fun owl snack in the afternoon.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween Time!

We had a wonderful, fun filled day at school, but sure were excited for the fun evening activities!

We had a very cozy day in our pajamas and had fun with our painted pumpkins.

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In other news,our class got second place in the fire safety week door decorating contest! For a prize we got special red popsicles from our P.T.L. YUMMY!