Friday, September 27, 2013

Painting a rainbow!

It was a super fun Friday!
We enjoyed our snack shop time and an awesome time painting water color rainbows.

Have a great weekend everyone!

Colors Are Awesome!

We have been having a great week so far. We finished painting our earth models and are working on creating rainbow art this week.
Today we got to watch some of the older kids participate in Punt, Pass and Kick which was great.
We also had music today and sang songs to Jesus!

Color mixing fun and Happy birthday Aubrey!

In chapel we talked about Operation School Bell where our chapel offering is going this month.
We practiced color mixing 

And celebrated Aubrey's birthday!

Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Center Time

We have had a fun and busy week! We are finishing all our earth projects, learning about mapping, and got to look up all our addresses on google maps! It was so exciting!

Today we went to chapel in the morning and had our first math center time this afternoon.

Friday, September 13, 2013

What a World!

We had a great Fun Friday continuing to work on our earth projects!

We were busy painting and drawing as well as learning about the continents on our earth.

Have a SUPER weekend!

Thursday, September 12, 2013

Thursday Happenings

We were busy today finishing up our shape sorting activities, sorting our letters and continuing to learn about our earth.

Tomorrow for fun friday, we are going to paint our earths we created today!

Remember tomorrow is snack shop and spirit day!!!

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Monday, September 9, 2013

All About Us

This week we our theme is all about us. We are learning about creation, how God made everything, and learning about our earth.

Thanks to everyone who participated in our Believe Kids Fundraiser! Our school appreciates your support :)

Friday, September 6, 2013

Happy Birthday Mason!

We had a super fun birthday bonanza today!

We got to play a cupcake alphabet game, practiced our birthday song about what month is our birthday, wrote some birthday party words, and celebrated Mason's Birthday with delicious cupcakes.

Our first fire drill was today! We practiced lining up and walking out when we heard the bell. Everyone did great!

We also got to go to snack shop. Such a fun day!

We got to wear our crowns that we made as we talked about how fun birthdays are. We also talked about how we are "children of the King!" We are special, unique creations and God is our Father :)

Have a great weekend everyone!

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Thursday, September 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Natalie!

We had a super great day celebrating Natalie's birthday!

We had a yummy pizza lunch and delicious cookies.

We are practicing our patterns and getting ready to celebrate the end of birthday week tomorrow.

We made some awesome crowns and are planning a super fun Friday!

Remember to wear your spirit shirt and snack shop is open for business!

Wednesday, September 4, 2013

Birthday Week Continues!

We had a fun day today that started with chapel. Pastor Stueve taught us all about baptism and how much God loves us! If you would like more information about baptism or our church, please let me know :)

We are still working on remembering what month our birthday comes in. We are also practicing our patterns and our counting skills.

Tomorrow, we will be celebrating Natalie's Birthday! She will be bringing pizza for lunch for our class so you do not need to bring a lunch tomorrow! Yay :)

We are having a great year so far in Kindergarten!

Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Happy Double Birthday Party!

We got to celebrate both Ryder's and Case's birthdays with delicious treats!

We are having a birthday theme this week! We are learning about when our birthdays are and focusing on the months of the year.