Friday, August 30, 2013

Friends Friday

To finish off friends week, we made a self portrait of ourselves! We had a great time today reading about how to be a friend and practicing our first earthquake drill. We did a great job!

I hope you all have a wonderful three day weekend!

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Tuesday, August 27, 2013

Yeah for Friends Week!

We had a great day! 

We made a counting friends book and got to go to music class!

We love singing :)

We ended the day with a bean bag game!

Monday, August 26, 2013

Happy Birthday Chayce :)

We had a fun Monday today. We celebrated Chayce's birthday and worked on a new book for our homework.
We are working on numbers and counting this week. Also our theme for the week is friends! We worked in our poetry journals and got a new poem this week.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

Chicka Chicka Boom Boom!

We worked today on finishing up easel painting and making a fun craft to help us remember our upper and lower case letters.

We practiced writing our names with only the first letter capitalized and as always had a great time playing on the playground.

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Wednesday, August 21, 2013

Jesus Is Our Best Friend!

We had another fun day :) We started our day off with chapel and then colored our own Pete the Cat book all about school!

We sang and prayed and talked about all we know about Jesus. We also drew a picture about Jesus.

Enjoy a sampling of our art :)

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Tuesday, August 20, 2013

Happy Birthday Cambria!

We had a super fun time today celebrating Cambria's birthday.

We also practiced writing our names with only 1 upper case letter at the beginning.

We went to music class today with Mrs. Behringer. She taught us the song "I Have the Joy"

Tomorrow is Chapel in the morning :)

Monday, August 19, 2013

It's Homework Time :)

We had a great day! This week we will be reading books about Pete the Cat. We will be reviewing colors, shapes and learning about our school campus.

Today everyone took home their homework folders and PAW Print folders.

Remember the yellow folder comes back to school everyday and the blue one only comes back on Friday :)

Friday, August 16, 2013

First Fun Friday!

We had an awesome Fun Friday!

We have been learning each others names and have been counting the letters in our names.
We made coconut tress to help us remember how many letters we each have.

We have been reading the book "Who Took the Cookies from the Cookie Jar" this week and as a special treat made our own chocolate chip cookies :) They were delicious!

I hope you all have an awesome weekend!
Remember, homework folders and Paw Print Folders will go home on Monday!

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Thursday, August 15, 2013

First Week Fun

We continue to have great days in Kindergarten!

We have played games, counted, and practiced our letter sounds. We are smart cookies :)

Tomorrow is Fun Friday :) 
It is also snack shop. Students can buy 1 snack and 1 drink. Each item is .50. 

Enjoy some pictures of our great week.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Happy (pretend) Birthday Ryan

We had an awesome day today! We got to celebrate Ryan's birthday which was last week.

We practiced writing our numbers and counting! We are learning to be awesome students!

Monday, August 12, 2013

First day... Fabulous!

We had an amazing day today! We began our day with the whole school in chapel thanking God for our new year!
We learned so much about recess, where to line up and how we sit at our desks.

We talked about the rules at school and how to be a good friend. 

This is an awesome group of kids and I can't wait to spend the year with them learning, playing and having fun together!

Tomorrow night Tuesday August 13 is back to school night at 7:00pm. If you can't make it, just let me know.