Friday, June 7, 2013

End of the Year Activities

WOW! We had a fantastic year in Kindergarten!

I am so blessed to have got to spend my year with these precious kids!

I can't wait to see all they will accomplish in the future. :)

This has been a whirlwind week, so I was not able to publish things daily. But here is a little peek at the fun we had this week!

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As a special treat this week after morning free choice, we would have Kindergarten dance party!
Enjoy some of our moves :)

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The kids did a great job at graduation! I am so proud of all of them. :)

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Enjoying a Last Day of Kindergarten Popsicle!!!!

I pray you all enjoy your summer! Hope to see you soon :)

Monday, June 3, 2013

Great Day at the Water Park!

It was such a beautiful day today! 

We all had a great time splashing and swimming!

Don't forget tomorrow night is our graduation. Meet in room a by 6:45pm. 

Shirts will be passed out tomorrow.