Monday, April 29, 2013

Slime Time

Today was a perfect day to slime the teacher! :)

Thanks to everyone who came out to watch the slime fly!

I will post a video soon, but for now, enjoy a little preview!

Just a note...
I will be gone tomorrow (not because I am still slimy lol). I have a meeting to go to.
Mrs. Cramer will be with the class.
Have a great night!

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Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Celebrating Earth Day 2013

Yesterday we had a great time learning about how to keep our earth clean. We also made stylish hats out of newspaper :)

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Happy birthday Presli!

We spent our day celebrating Earth Day and Presli's birthday!

We talked about the 3 R's reduce, reuse, recycle and learned about how things are recycled.

We had a yummy cake pop for Presli's birthday too!

Thursday, April 18, 2013

Today was super bright!

Neon day was so fun!

We continued to practice our sight words and rules of reading.

Don't forget tonight is the Readioactive Family Night at the book fair!
See you tonight 4/18 from 6:30-8:30 in the Fellowship Hall

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Lunch With A Loved One

It was a WONDERFUL day today!

We all wore our jeans and had an awesome time having lunch with our families!

Don't forget, tomorrow is Super Hero Day!

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Monday, April 15, 2013

Book Fair Week Begins!

We are very excited about the book fair beginning today!

It was great to see so many crazy hair scientists today :)

This week we are focusing on books, authors and illustrators. We are even writing our own stories.

Just a reminder about this weeks fun activities...

TUESDAY : Lunch with Loved Ones - Parents or other loved ones can bring lunch, shop the Book Fair, and eat with their child. We eat lunch at 11:30.
Our class will be going to the book fair in the afternoon, so if you want your child to purchase books at that time, send the money in an envelope marked "Book Fair"
Wear your Jeans :)

WEDNESDAY: Super Hero Day - Dress Like a Super Hero Day! Kona Ice will be available for purchase between 2:30 - 4:30.

THURSDAY: Neon Day - Wear bright Neon colors. Don't miss the Readioactive Reading Carnival from 6:30 - 8:30 pm. Bring the family and join us for some fun and refreshments.

FRIDAY: Pajama Day - Be comfy and cuddle up with all the good books you purchased a the fair. This is the last shopping day. The book fair closes at 12:30.

Don't forget to bring in your change to raise money for books for our classroom. The class who brings in the most gets to slime their teacher :)

Thursday, April 11, 2013

It's Landon's Birthday and we've gone BUGGY!

We had a super awesome day today!

We began our day with a visit from AmeriGuard Pest Defense (who happen to be Bella's parents) who shared some awesome bug information. The kids LOVED the bug specimens and loved hearing about all the different types of bugs.
Thanks for a great day Richard & Alison :)

The day got even more exciting when we celebrated Landon's birthday with doughnuts and delicious pizza!

To top it all off, we went on a bug hunt of our own and found some interesting insects on the playground. We mostly found ladybugs, but some friends found a moth and a little spider. We then used our scientific observation skills to study the bugs and draw a picture of what we saw.\

It was a GREAT day!
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Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Happy Birthday Ezra

We had a great day learning about butterflies. We also practiced our doubles during math time and went to chapel.

We celebrated Ezra's birthday with yummy muffins!

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Firefly Adventures :)

We had an awesome day exploring fireflies today!

We learned some firefly facts, wrote a page in our non-fiction bug book and made our own glow in the dark fireflies!

Since it is not very dark in our classroom, we went to the church to really see them shine!

Just a few notes on upcoming activities...
* Report cards will go home with our class tomorrow April 10th
* The book fair is coming! You will get a special handout with all the information tomorrow!
* Thursday is Landon's birthday! He will be bringing pizza for lunch, so you do not need to send a lunch on Thursday.
* Friday we will be doing a special bug activity. You will receive a note tomorrow about what you can bring to help!

Happy April!

Happy Birthday Reece! A Day Late :)

It was a very blustery day! We were busy beginning our insect unit learning about dragonflies.
We also celebrated Reece's Birthday with yummy cupcakes!
It was also a exciting day as Ezra lost a tooth! Congratulations