Thursday, March 28, 2013

Happy Easter!

We had an amazing day today!

Although it was busy it was wonderful :)

We finished our Easter baskets and did some writing about what Easter is really all about.

Then we colored eggs and made our yummy snack of pigs in a blanket! Delicious :)

We finished the day with an egg hunt for special eggs that  help us remember what Easter is all about!

I pray you and your families have a wonderful Easter!

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Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Happy Birthday Brenden!

We had an awesome day today!

We celebrated Brenden's birthday with delicious doughnuts!

Friday, March 22, 2013

Legoland Trip Fun!

What a beautiful day it was at Legoland yesterday! I hope everyone had a wonderful day!
Enjoy some fun photos and videos of our "Tall Towers Class"

Have a great weekend!
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Farm Fun

This post was supposed to be on Wednesday :) oops!

Today we wrote about chickens, played a chicken game and sang a chicken song.

We had a special treat when Ms. Elsa invited us to come with her class and see a baby goat! So adorable and the kids loved it!

Friday, March 15, 2013

The making of our Leprechaun trap

I had to share the explanation of how each Leprechaun trap works.

I am so excited to see if we get any Leprechaun gold! :)

Have a great weekend and Happy St. Patrick's Day!

Thursday, March 14, 2013

Leprechaun Traps

We are so exited about St. Patrick's Day!

We worked very hard at creating our own Leprechaun traps so that hopefully we can find some gold!

Enjoy our very creative traps!

Don't forget, school is out at 11:30 tomorrow.
School Age Care will be available, but there is no hot lunch, so please send a lunch if your child will stay.
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Wednesday, March 13, 2013

Leprechaun Trapping!

In the midst of farm week, we are busy reading about and studying Leprechauns in order to devise our plan to create a trap to catch a wee little fellow!We are so excited about our ideas and cannot wait to see if we catch a lucky person over the weekend. I wanted to share one our our favorite new videos we have been watching...

We had a fun chapel today. Mr Dave roasted a marshmallow to help us remember the Easter Story. 
Congratulations to our February student of the month... Landon Gemmill!

Once we finish our Leprechaun trap I will post pictures :)

Tuesday, March 12, 2013

Farm Journals and a Water Assembly!

We had a fun day learning more about the farm and working in our farm journals. These journals help us learn how to form sentences and practice our writing skills.

We went to a "H2o assembly" put on by eastern municipal water district. The kids really enjoyed it and learned about the water cycle and how to conserve water!

Monday, March 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Colt

It was such a beautiful day outside today!
We didn't even feel the earthquake because we were outside at recess :)

We are starting farm week! Super fun. Make sure to go over the farm reader that is in your student's homework folder this week.

We also got to celebrate Colt's birthday with doughnuts! Yummy!
Happy Birthday Colt!

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Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Happy Birthday Braedon!

We had a super busy and super fun day today!

We are so excited about our science projects....
 Here is another sneak peak :)
 We also got to celebrate Braedon's Birthday today with cheese pizza and yummy chocolate cupcakes!

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Monday, March 4, 2013

Open House Week!

We are very busy creating our science lab for you to enjoy on Thursday March 7th at 7:00 pm!

Because of Open House, we will not have homework this week :)

See you all Thursday!

Friday, March 1, 2013

What we have been up to...

Just wanted to give you all a peak at what we have been busy doing this week! With our Science Lab open house quickly approaching we have been busy doing experiments and creating fun in our lab :)
Can't wait to see you all Thursday March 7th at 7 pm in our science lab!