Friday, February 15, 2013

Happy Birthday Conner

We had a fun Friday!

We completed our Valentine centers that we didn't get to yesterday;

We also had a fun time celebrating Conner's Birthday with yummy donuts.

Don't forget to turn in your Legoland ticket orders. You can bring them into the office by Wednesday February  20th!

Click to play this Smilebox greeting
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Ecard customized with Smilebox

Thursday, February 14, 2013

Happy Valentine's Day!

We had an AWESOME day today!

We had so much fun passing out our valentines and making our owl cards for our parents.

Our favorite part was drinking our sherbet floats with sprite and a licorice straw!

Enjoy this scrapbook of our day.

Don't forget, Legoland ticket orders are due tomorrow. If you need another form, just let me know. I will also have more in the room in the morning :)

I love being your child's teacher :)
Happy Valentine's Day!

Click to play this Smilebox scrapbook
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Another free digital scrapbooking design by Smilebox

Friday, February 8, 2013

Fun weather Friday!

Well is was a sad day because we didn't get to jump rope for heart because of the rain but it was a fun day because is really snowed! Well, our version of snow but it was still fun none the less!
We began working on a special valentines project and got to sing our birthday song to Mrs. Harris!

Have a great weekend!

Wednesday, February 6, 2013

Word Family Hunt

We had a super fun time playing a word family hunt game today!
Don't forget your jump rope for heart permission slips. I sent one home today for those who have not turned one in.
We will be jumping at 9:00 am on Friday (weather permitting).

We also had two friends lose teeth today! Congratulations!

Tuesday, February 5, 2013

Word Families Everywhere

We are having fun exploring word families and learning how to sound out words.

Today we practiced taking a test and worked on making a word family book.

We even got to write word family words with shaving cream on our desks! Super fun!

I wanted to share some of the awesome drawings our class did about the Super Bowl! Awesome :)

Friday, February 1, 2013

Pajama Friday

We had a very comfy day today in our pjs!
We finished up our 100th day activities and started our next unit all about LOVE!

Today finished up National Lutheran Schools week and we had a great time dressing up each day.

Special thanks to our Parent Teacher League for the delicious teacher appreciation lunch today and all the sweet treats this week! It was awesome!