Thursday, January 31, 2013

Happy Birthday Gigi!

Our day was great! The weather was beautiful and we had a awesome time celebrating Gigi's birthday!

We worked on some of the 100th day activities we didn't get to finish yesterday and went to music class.

Don't forget, tomorrow is pajama day!

We also had a visit from Thunder, the mascot from the Lake Elsinore Storm! He came to tell us about the reading program they have for kids! When the kids read ten books, they can win two free tickets to a storm game :)
 More information will be going home tomorrow.

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Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Happy 100th Day!

We had a super awesome day today!
We did not even get to finish all our one hundred fun activities so they will continue tomorrow!

We did count make tasty fruit loop necklaces with 100 fruit loops and awesome hats with ten groups of ten.

We had a special visit from Zero the Hero and he helped us celebrate by giving us a cape and a special coin!

Tomorrow will be Gigi's birthday and she will be bringing pizza for lunch! Yum!

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Countdown to the 100th day!

Today we celebrated 99 days if kindergarten. Where did the time go?

Spirit Week continued with famous person/nerd day/blast to the past.

It was a great day filled with lots of activities to get us ready for the BIG celebration tomorrow!

We will be making a special snack so you do not need to send an extra snack tomorrow.
See you all tomorrow for the big day!

Monday, January 28, 2013

National Lutheran Schools Week

This week is National Lutheran Schools Week! We are celebrating our school and all Lutheran schools across the country!
Each day this week is dress up day!
Today was crazy hair/hat and clash day :)
We had a great day and are busy working on getting ready for the 100th day of school on Wednesday.

Don't forget tomorrow is famous person day/ blast from the past or nerd day so show your school spirit and participate!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Poetry Journal Fun

We are finishing up our penguin unit this week and are learning a new penguin poem.

Yesterday we worked in our poetry journals and finished our penguin books.

We are very excited about the 100th day of school coming up next week.
We have already started to work on some special activities.

Don't forget to turn in a water bottle with 100 items for our collection :)

Friday, January 18, 2013

Penguin Fun

What a beautiful day it was today! We actually got a little warm during PE time :)

For math time, we played the game Hungry Hungry Penguins. Each student got to roll the dice and put that many fish on their ten frames. When they hit 20 fish they got to say "hungry, hungry penguin" and eat their fish :)

We finished our penguin science projects today. On Monday we talked about that one of the reasons penguins stay warm is because they have blubber. We did a science project to see just how warm blubber can be. Today we learned that the other thing that penguins have to help them keep warm is oil in their feathers. So we put a little Vaseline on our hands and stuck them in cold water to see how it feels.

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I hope you all have a great three day weekend! See you Tuesday!

Thursday, January 17, 2013

Happy Birthday Cayla!

Sorry this post is a few days late, but I wanted to make sure Cayla's Birthday got documented!

I am also including some photos of the Penguin Pal sight word game we played today!

I am so happy to be back where I belong in my classroom and we had a great day.

We are almost done with our Penguin books and are looking forward to a great Friday tomorrow :)

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Friday, January 11, 2013

Happy Birthday Micah!

It was a busy and cold day today :)

We continue to work on our Penguin books and learn more penguin facts.

We finished our winter scene art work and got to celebrate Micah's Birthday!

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Thursday, January 10, 2013

Rainy Day Fun

We had a fun filled day today!
Our day started with Presli's star of the day. She brought her cat for us to see :)

Then we continued to work on our non-fiction penguin book.

We ended our day with art time. We are working on a snow scene picture.