Friday, December 20, 2013

Elf Fun :)

This week we have had so much fun with our elves! It has been so exciting to find out what our elf was up to each day this week.

To help make our elf at home, we made hats and made sure to spread the Christmas cheer for all to hear!

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Tuesday, December 17, 2013

Happy December Birthdays

We have already had such an exciting week!

Monday, we celebrated Ally's birthday with a special pizza lunch and delicious cookies.

We also had a super adorable snack from Case, Yummy reindeer doughnuts :)

 Today we celebrated Grace's birthday with a beautiful and delicious Hello Kitty Cake!
So much fun!

In other news, I finally received my long awaited "Elf" from the North Pole today for our classroom. I am so excited to see where he will turn up tomorrow :)

Friday, December 13, 2013

Advent Tea Time

Thank you for helping to make our Advent Tea such a wonderful time to celebrate the true meaning of Christmas!

I hope you all had a wonderful time.
If you have any photos or videos you want to share, just email them to me :)

I will be posting a video soon after some editing :)

I pray you have a great weekend!

Friday, November 22, 2013

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had a super packed day today!

We celebrated Thanksgiving with some delicious pumpkin pie pudding, we heard the first graders read to us their own stories about the first Thanksgiving, we celebrated Sahara's birthday, and said "see you soon" to our friend Hunter who moved.

It was an emotion filled day, but we have plenty to be thankful for!

I hope you and your family have a very blessed thanksgiving! I am thankful for such an amazing group of Kindergarteners :)

Friday, November 15, 2013

WHOOO loves Owls? We do! We do!

We have learned so much about owls during this unit. We also had a lot of fun along the way!!!

We took home our owl portfolio full of activities and projects we have been working on.

Today we ended owl week with a delicious owl snack :)

Next week on to turkeys :)

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Thursday, November 14, 2013

Owls Owls Everywhere!

We have been having so much fun during our owl theme. We had so many activities to accomplish we extended owl week to include this week too :)
Friday we will be making a fun owl snack in the afternoon.

Friday, November 1, 2013

Happy Halloween Time!

We had a wonderful, fun filled day at school, but sure were excited for the fun evening activities!

We had a very cozy day in our pajamas and had fun with our painted pumpkins.

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In other news,our class got second place in the fire safety week door decorating contest! For a prize we got special red popsicles from our P.T.L. YUMMY!

Monday, October 28, 2013

Fire Safety Week

We started off today with a Fire Safety presentation! It was awesome and they taught us how to stay low and go if there is a fire in our house and when to call 911. They showed us the equipment that firefighters wear, and even had Miss JoAnn and Mrs. Nancy try them on :)

They gave us a lot of fire safety goodies. This week we have something special each day...

Monday - Fire Safety Presentation
Tuesday - Tie Red Ribbon on the fence
Wednesday - Wear Red
Thursday - Pajama Day & Halloween
Friday - We get a special red treat at school :)

Also don't forget the SJLS Pumpkin Contest. Turn all decorated pumpkins in to the fellowship hall by 9:00 am on Oct 31st

Saturday, October 26, 2013

Pumpkin Fun Friday

We had a super great day! We are almost done painting our pumpkins and writing our pumpkin book.
We had fun fall centers and made yummy pumpkin cupcakes. The only ingredients are yellow cake mix and I can of pumpkin. Plus some cinnamon :) 
Some kids liked them so much they asked me I share the recipe with their moms!

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Water show fun!

We had an awesome assembly today thanks to EMWD and Tom Foolery. He taught us about the water cycle and how to save water. It was great fun and the kids loved the juggling and the grand finale with the monster unicycle!

Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Pumpkin Painting!

We had a great day observing and planning out our pumpkin painting project!

We are also practicing a special pumpkin week reader. We even made pumpkin pointers to help us track our words.

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Friday, October 4, 2013

Spideriffic Fun!

We had an amazing fun Friday! We wrapped up spider week with an fun "craftivity" where we created a spider web with white paint. We also made a delicious spider shaped snack. We ended the day by playing a spider web game "catch the fly."

Have a awesome weekend!
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Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Happy Birthday Dayelyn & Spider Week Fun!

We have been having a very busy week learning about spiders!

Today we got to celebrate Dayelyn's birthday with some yummy cupcakes!

Just a reminder, tomorrow is Picture Day, so bring your best smile and the lifetouch envelope if you want to order any pictures!

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Friday, September 27, 2013

Painting a rainbow!

It was a super fun Friday!
We enjoyed our snack shop time and an awesome time painting water color rainbows.

Have a great weekend everyone!