Thursday, November 29, 2012

It's Almost Christmas!

With our Christmas countdown about to begin, we are already busy creating and celebrating. We had a great day working on our vowel sounds and going to music class.

 We will be finishing up peppermint week tomorrow, so I wanted to share with you one of our favorite videos we have watched learning about how real candy canes are made. 

Yesterday we were thinking of how fun it would be to live in a candy house! Enjoy the fabulous ideas the kids came up with :)

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Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Who loves peppermint?

Well it is unanimous... We all love candy canes in this class! We made a graph just to be sure :)

We have been practicing for our Christmas show which will be Thursday December 13th at 7:00 pm. You won't want to miss this show :)

We are talking about shapes and three dimensional shapes (cube, cone, sphere and cylinder). We continue to practice our color words and sight words and and are having fun decorating our classroom.

Next week we will having lots of gingerbread fun! My favorite :)

Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Peppermint Fun

We are having a great week! We have been working with peppermint a this week and are having so much fun!

Today we did math the red and green peppermints and practices with a worksheet.

We are making decorations for our classroom and learned why the candy came is so special!

Yesterday we had a special guest author come read to our class. Mrs. Williams who wrote "Angel Chorus" read us the story we will be performing for our Christmas play.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Happy Thanksgiving!

We had  great party today!

We had fun Thanksgiving centers and celebrated by making a pumpkin pie treat!

The recipe was sent home today along with all of the activities we completed :)

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We have been working on a little video to share with you about what we are thankful for...

I hope this blesses your day and that you and your family have a wonderful Thanksgiving!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

It's Almost Thanksgiving!

We spent today getting ready for our Thanksgiving Party tomorrow.
We made decorations and are working in a special surprise for you tomorrow :)
Miss Stephanie came out to visit us and read Twas the Night Before Thanksgiving. I still laugh out loud at that book!

Have a great night and see you all tomorrow!
Gobble Gobble

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Meet our Scarecrow

Well he is finally finished!

We wrote a story today about "How to Build a Scarecrow."

We like him just fine and we will see if tomorrow he really does scare the crows away :)

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

Fun Times :)

We had a busy and productive day today!

I wish I had a picture and could have captured the pure joy on everyone's faces when I passed out new crayons!
So exciting!

We are working on our Thanksgiving projects this week.

If you have not already, please send in a family picture for our classroom. They will be returned to you later :)

Friday, November 9, 2012

Half Day Shenanigans

Even though it was a short day we managed to get a lot of fun squeezed in :)

We used teamwork to make scarecrows in our groups. Some groups are missing their hats as we had some friends absent today.

I hope everyone had a great three day weekend!

Please bring in a family photo this week for a special project we will be doing.

Thursday, November 8, 2012

The Scarecrow Chronicles

We continued to build our scarecrow today. We stuffed the pants with newspaper! They had so much fun!

We practiced writing a story about a scarecrow and illustrated it too!

We went to music class and learned a song called 2 by 2 about Noah's Ark.

Don't forget tomorrow is make up picture day! If you would like your child's picture retaken please return any pictures you do not want.

It is also minimum day tomorrow so school gets out at 11:30. School Age Care is available.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Scarecrow Fun

Today we had a great time talking about scarecrows. We are going to make a scarecrow or our classroom!

We started to paint our scarecrows head today.

Tomorrow we will be dressing him and hopefully giving him a name :)

We played a letter game to help us remember our letters and their sounds.
Roll a letter is a class favorite!

Tuesday, November 6, 2012

Happy Election Day!

We had a great day talking about thanksgiving and what we have to be thankful for.

We worked on our thankfulness trees and our thanksgiving books.

We worked on our letters and beginning sounds.

We talked about Election Day and saw pictures of the White House.
We did a pretend election and the results were
Obama : 15 votes
Romney : 4 votes
For the record my vote is not included! Lol

Have a great night!