Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Spider Fun

We continued to explore spiders today.

We also worked very hard on our numbers and counting :)

We made a number chart with pumpkin confetti and made a graph of how many of us like spiders.

Don't forget, tomorrow is pajama day!

Monday, October 29, 2012

Happy Birthday Bella!

We had a busy and exciting day today!
We celebrated Bella's Birthday with a pizza lunch and yummy cupcakes.
We even had treat bags too!

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We are all VERY excited about Halloween and finished up our owl books today.

We began to learn about spiders today and will be working on a spider math book tomorrow.

Don't forget, if you are planning to bring a pumpkin for the school's pumpkin decorating contest, they are due tomorrow. You can bring them to our classroom or directly to the fellowship hall.

Wednesday will be our Halloween party! It is pajama day, so your kindergartener can wear pajamas if they want to :) We will be making rice krispy treats and caramel apple bites. YUM

Friday, October 26, 2012

Dental Health Fun

We had a special visit from Lori (Emily's Mom) on Thursday. She talked to us about how to keep our teeth happy!
We had an awesome time.
Thank you for visiting today Lori!

Tuesday, October 23, 2012

Fire safety fun!

We continued our fire safety week by tying red ribbons to the fence.

So fun :)

Tomorrow we will hang up our door decorations. Here is a sneak peek :)

Monday, October 22, 2012

Pumpkin Decorating Contest

Don't forget the "Great Pumpkin Contest" Turn your decorated pumpkin in to the Fellowship Hall by Tuesday October 30 by 3:00pm. There will be two top winners in each classroom. The Ultimate Grand Supreme pumpkin decorator will win a $25 scrip card of their choice!
Don't miss out! Start thinking of a awesome idea now!

Fire Safety Week Begins!

We had a great kick off day to our fire safety week today!

We had a visit from firefighters Mr. Carniglia and Mr. Mitchell.

They talked to us about fire safety and what to do if there was ever a fire.

They showed us their fire equipment and demonstrated how they get ready when they go out to a fire.

We learned about when to stop, drop and roll and when to call 911.

It was a great day!

Thursday, October 18, 2012

Owl Week Continues

We had a busy day!

Enjoy some other photos from this week.

See you tomorrow for a super fun Friday! We are going to be making a special owl activity.

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

Owl Week

We are in the middle of Owl Week!

We have been learning owl facts, reading owl books, and watching owl videos.

We are making an owl book and learning how to add with owls.

I wanted to share one of our favorite owl videos with you. Our class loves them and enjoys singing along :)

I sent home a very special paper today for parent teacher conferences. 

Please look it over and return it as soon as possible.

I look forward to meeting with all of you to share how awesome your student is doing in kindergarten!

Saturday, October 13, 2012

Great Day at the Fall Festival

Thanks to very one who helped out and donated to our festival today!
Our booth was always busy and everyone had a great time!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

Special Guests

We had very special visitors today! Mrs. Dueker and the first graders came to our class and performed a readers theater.
They were dressed up in masks and read a story about what animals need.
It is always so awesome for me to see my class from last year reading so confidently :) It is always so special.
The kids loved it and can't wait until they are in Mrs. Dueker's class and come and visit to read next year!

Monday, October 8, 2012

Aloha :)

It was a great day back! I missed the class so much!

Today we started learning about magnets in science and played a game to help with our hand eye coordination.

We began decorating our room for fall by drawing and painting our own pumpkins.

The fall festival is this Saturday!
Please donate a bag of large or small marshmallows for our game booth.
Bring in all donations by Wednesday.

Thanks so much :)