Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Rainbow Milk Experiment

We had an awesome day!

We are continuing to explore colors and color mixing.
We did an experiment where we used dish soap to make a chemical reaction with milk and mix primary colors to make secondary colors.

The kids LOVED it :)

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I hope you all have a great time with Miss Stephanie! 
I will miss you VERY much!

Mrs. Nancy

Monday, September 24, 2012

Our first real Test!

We took our first test today as we begin our colors all around unit!

We all did a great job and we so proud to use our "offices"

I sent out an email to everyone about the Fall Festival! This is a great family event at our school and can earn some money for our class at the same time!
If you did not receive an email from me, please let me know. I am missing a few emails :)

Have a great night!

Friday, September 21, 2012

Birthdays and space shuttles...Blast Off!

We had such a packed full day of excitement!

We started working on our school bus activity (which we will finish Monday) :)

We had Free Choice Friday and snack shop.

We had PE and practiced moving by running, sliding and galloping. 

We celebrated Emma Jo's Birthday with a pizza party and cupcakes.

We watched the space shuttle Endeavour on its trip to LAX.
We also watched the last lift off the Endeavour made so the kids could see what this ship could do!

It was such a fun day!

Have a fabulous weekend!

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Thursday, September 20, 2012

Technology ROCKS!

Today we...
* Practiced our patterns in our math book.
* Played a number matching school bus game.
* Went to music class and got to practice rhythm with rhythm sticks.

Most importnatly we used our classroom projector for the first time!
I love to use the projector for interactive lessons.
I hook my ipad or iphone up to the projector and we do all kinds of exciting things.

Today we looked at different patterns in our room and I used the camera to video the kids so they could see themselves on the "big screen" lol

Here is our best "smile and wave" haha!

Don't forget, tomorrow is Emma Jo's birthday and she is bringing pizza for lunch :)

It is also
Spirit Day and Snack Shop!

Friday, September 14, 2012

Five Senses Friday!

What a day! We finished up exploring our five senses today.

We finished our Five Senses Book and used our senses to scientifically investigate salt and sugar.

The kids got to examine each and taste them to decide what they were and which one they liked better :)

Then we had 5 senses centers and explored different textures.

We finished it off with PE class and a Popsicle!


Please enjoy our slide show :)

Have a great weekend and see you all Monday!
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Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Welcome the word wall

It was an eventful day today!

We had a fun chapel.

We continued our practice of letter recognition and made a ABC book to help us remember our letter sounds.

We talked about our word wall and put up our first words... Our names!
We then wrote sentences about who our friends are at school. The kids used the word wall to find their friends name and write it in the sentence.

They had a great time ad we can't wait to put up new words :)

Tuesday, September 11, 2012

Fun with numbers

We had a great day! We worked with numbers and learned to read them and know how many each number represents.

We went over out Bible story and put the things God made in order.

We worked on P and Q in our workbooks.

Just a reminder if you have not already turned in your fund card sales please turn them in by thursday! Thanks or your support of our school.

Monday, September 10, 2012

Painting Hooray

We had a super fun time today!
We practiced patterns and position words- top, middle and bottom.

We had art today and easel painted.
What a creative group of kids and so eager to help clean up.

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Music Day!

We are learning our new poem of the week as we review our shapes.

We got to have our first music class with Mrs. Cana Behringer. It was so fun!
Enjoy a little bit of our music time fun.


Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Name Game

We had a great day!

Miss Stephanie taught us a lesson about rhyming and sang the name game with us!

We practiced our shapes and making different pictures with them.

Our orange folders went home today!
Please put all notes and forms that are coming back to school in this folder.
Help your child remember to bring this folder every day!

Saturday, September 1, 2012

Friendship Friday

We had a VERY busy and fun day today!

Snack shop was great!
We had our first earthquake drill - Duck, Cover and Hold

Since it is the 10th day of school, we met a new friend, Zero the Hero!
Every time there is a zero in the number of days of school, he will come out to help us celebrate :)
Enjoy our little video...

We also made Friendship Salad. We talked about our friendship week, and what it means to be good friend. We also talked about how one rotten banana could make our whole fruit salad yucky. In the same way, one rotten banana attitude could make our whole class yucky!
We don't want to be the rotten banana!

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I hope everyone has a restful and fun three day weekend!
See you all Tuesday!